Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 8th, 2009

This is my first blog. If you think how many blogs you see like that where the first sentence is that its kind of funny. Always wonder how to start these things I guess I am a mom I have to kids a girl who is 6 she will be 7 in July and my son just turned 3 on March 2ND. I am a stay at home mom and also a certified home daycare provider for 5 years. I am married to a man in the Navy and have been for almost 7 years. His name is Rich we are currently stationed in Guam and love being on the island it defiantly and experience. I miss all of my family and friend back home which is in CA. But my kids and I are flying home for the summer to be with them all and see my niece for the 1st time we can't wait. Today is one of those we need to get stuff done around the house but yet I want to go to the beach so hoping that will happen. I should go and help the hubby clean and do laundry but I just don't feel like it. My kids are at the moment watching cartoons and I just got done talking to my sis on the phone. My sister and my cousin introduced me to blogging. So not sure if just telling your day or posting pictures or what but I will learn at one point or another. If any of you have ideas my sister is looking for some for her daughters 1st b-day so by all means drop me some lines and let me know. Well I'm going to stop blogging for now will probably get back on later. Peace