Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New Blog

So decided to start a book blog today since all I seem to do is read most of the time. Sometime I think I should change professions and maybe become an editor or something since I read so much. Who knows maybe one day. However, through my reading I have met some really amazing authors and I have learned so much about their love and dedication for their stories they write. Other than that life is good kids are on summer break, I however am not but that's okay at least it's online and I still get to spend it with my kids. This summer is going to consist of doing nothing but hanging with them pretty much. I am however going to Vegas in August to visit some of my BFF's I have not seen in 3 years so I'm way excited about that. Life is a joy and it's what you make of it. Have a good one ya'll.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Good afternoon/evening,
   It's been so long since I've blogged not sure what really to say. Other than at Christmas I was very lucky to get a Kindle Fire and and since then I have done nothing but read, read, read, and I can not tell you how liberating it has been. I wish that my kids were into reading as much as I am because I know it would broaden their outlook on life. Only time will tell as I know when I was young I only like reading a little the older I got didn't really read much it's only been with the last few years where I have started to pick it up again and then last year after the death of my uncle I really began to read to keep my composure and not loose myself to the dark side. Mostly read erotic novels but like to explore and read other stuff as well. Guess it just really depends on what I am in the mood for really. My husband doesn't mind to much I don't think at least he doesn't complain if I have my head in a book though I'm sure he wishes I converse with him more. LOL  I mean what husband wouldn't right? But it's okay he get's attention eventually. Something about having a good book and putting your heart in it makes you melt. Well that's it for me at this time. I will try to continue to update and catch up.